Environmental Assessment/ Remediation and LSP Services

Fremont Loft Condominiums Worcester, Massachusetts

Fremont loft was the site of a former industrial facility that had been converted into a residential condominium complex. A release of chlorinated solvents had migrated from the soil and groundwater into the indoor air of some of the residents condominium units. Arcadia has helped assess and evaluate a complex release of chlorinated volatile organic compounds that at times has posed an imminent hazard to the residents at the complex. The services have included: 

  • Vapor Intrusion Assessment 

  • Indoor air quality testing 

  • IRA and RAM plans and status reports 

  • Public Health and Environment Risk Characterization  

  • Soil and ground water sampling 

  • Oversight of SSDS installation and operation. 

  • Expert Witness/Litigation Support 


Industrial Waste Water Re-Use Project